Join the Project ARISE team as we share an intentional approach to developing and implementing local literacy plans through continuous improvement. This session showcases our work with a dedicated group of district and site leaders who are actively transforming their literacy initiatives. Participants will gain insights into the process defined in the CA State Literacy Plan which includes: 1.Creating a compelling literacy vision 2.Conducting comprehensive needs assessments and analyzing student data 3.Prioritizing identified needs effectively 4.Performing root cause analysis to target core issues related to meeting all students’ needs 5.Generating innovative change ideas for implementation 6.Executing Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to drive measurable improvements 5Participants will receive a toolkit of practical resources and strategies, along with real-world examples, to identify areas for improvement and effectively support all students in achieving impactful, data-driven literacy outcomes.Through real-world examples, we'll demonstrate how to identify areas for improvement and translate change ideas into action.